August 2019 Newsletter

Our first meeting of the season was held yesterday and the minutes from last May’s meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer Gail updated us on the finances and bills paid over the summer months.

Trail Coordinator Steve spoke on a number of topics. We will be putting in several culverts on roads over the next few months. He mentioned repairs that need to be made to the roof of the groomer barn. Another coating of material like we used several years ago.

We also decided to purchase some used oak boards that have been inside of a barn recently taken down. We use these for our bridges and repairs. Congratulations to Steve and his family for decorating the JD groomer and snow drag and winning 1st place in the Adult division recently at the Pike Fair. A great promotion for OVSA.

Our annual safety course will be held at RNE in Perry on Standpipe Rd. this coming November 9th 8-4pm. Dennis Murphy’s number for registration is 585-329-9923.

VP Jim updated us on the big raffle we have coming up Saturday September 7th at the Perry Firemen’s Building in the Village Park. We will start setup 10am on Friday morning to get tables and chairs set up and some kitchen prep work. Thanks to anyone that can help us on Friday for a couple hours and then the big event on Saturday.

We start working at 8am Saturday morning and the event goes from 12-4pm. Thanks for buying/selling tickets and helping on our biggest fundraiser of the year.

I am scheduled for a kidney transplant on October 7th so I’ll be out of sledding for this season. I announced that I would not be running for President when names are nominated for office at our October meeting. VP Jim and Treasurer Gail would also like to see some members taking over their positions too.

There is no in-fighting in our club or anything of that nature but simply a desire on our part to see younger members take the lead in guiding our 47 year old club into the future. We the current officers are still going to be members and certainly willing to mentor and help anyone interested in these roles. No one can be in these positions forever and it would be selfish of us to desire such.

We need young leaders like our Trail Coordinator Steve to work together in our club and see it grow. Younger members have great ideas.

We are financially strong and able to look forward to a future of enjoying our sport. Ask yourself if you would like to have an active role in assuring this.

Thanks for all your support for the many years we’ve been making our trails the best in Western New York.

See you at the big raffle..Pres…Jeff f.