October 2016

Pres. Jeff called the meeting to order and thanked Jane Gebel for taking notes today for Secretary Sheila who was out of town.
Jane read the minutes from last month’s meeting and they were approved.

The treasurer’s report was handed out and any questions were answered. In conjunction with this we also discussed our recent successful steak/shrimp raffle held September 10th. Thank you to all who helped with this event, sold and bought tickets and to VP Jim Day for heading up this event. It takes a lot of work over a couple of months to make it happen but it’s worth the effort. Next year’s raffle will be held Sept. 9th

Our upcoming safety class will be held Saturday November 12th at the new location of RNE which is right behind the Silver Lake Country Market as you head south out of Perry on Rte. 39. Denny’s phone number to register is 585-329-9923. Thanks to Denny and Glenn for once again heading up this valuable course.

The groomer barn repair is proceeding along well with the steel beams having been fixed. The big door will be next. These repairs are very important to protect our valuable equipment on a year long basis.

Steve Cox headed up a meeting last Wednesday night about re-routing the Warsaw Arrow Mart trail in the Merchant/Oatka Rd. area. Alternative routes are being looked at with new landowners being approached. This trail has seen a lot of work to make it possible years ago and gets significant traffic. It would be a shame if we have to close it down. Again any trail is strictly a privilege and could be closed on us. We work very hard to maintain a safe, legal and insured trail system for the protection of all involved. A nice trail system is fun for us and sure benefits all our county businesses that cater in any way to sledding, but understand there are many out there who could care less if we have land to ride on or the economic impact it has locally. That’s a sad comment for me to make but I’ve heard it plenty of times over the past years in my position.

Remember deer season when marking trails and always be considerate. Let us hope for a successful resolution to this year’s latest challenge.

See you soon…Pres. Jeff f.