February 2022 Newsletter

President Chance welcomed everyone to the drive your sled to the February meeting at 11:12am.

He read the minutes from last month’s meeting and they were approved.

Treasurer Gail handed out our financial report and answered any questions. We have an ongoing search to have someone replace Gail who is retiring from her longtime position as Club Treasurer.

President Chance and Dwight Hess have volunteered to work with Gail on learning the specifics of filing the different Phase reports that NYS Parks and Rec requires. Even that process is a bit up in the air as the State is talking about a different way of filing for reimbursement but no specifics have been given to us.

Brian Bartron spoke on our February Daily Raffle and we have 967 tickets sold which is great. Thank you Brian and our many ticket sellers and purchasers. Treasurer Gail commented on how important these fundraisers of ours have been over the past years to supplement what we receive through NYS Parks and Rec. Very true Gail and thank you to everyone who supports OVSA to have the best trails.

Trail Coordinator Steve Cox commented on the good snow we’ve had for trail grooming and the various repairs we’ve made to the BR 160 and 180 as the season has progressed. Always follow the stakes on our trails and be careful when going up hills and staying to the right with our 3 stake situations. Fuel is not cheap this year and that is why we raise additional funds to make sure all our groomers can run as much as possible. Thanks to all our volunteer groomers and repair guys who have worked in some really cold weather.

Tim Rosenberg brought a flyer showing that our Antique Show will be at the Charcoal Corral this September 17, 2022 rain or shine. If you like Antique Sleds this event is for you.

Currently we have 420 members which is a great number of enthusiastic winter loving people who appreciate having fun in our great outdoors.

Today is our 23rd day of trails being open.

Thank you for your support of OVSA and we’ll see you on the snow.

President Chance Vogt