November 2017 Newsletter

Pres. Jeff called the meeting to order at 11:05. The minutes of last month’s meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer Gail reported that we had received our 30% trail money.

Trail coordinator Steve Cox had a number of items as is usual for this time of year. He handed out NYS trail marking guides for this coming year. There are a couple of changes so we recommend anyone marking trails become acquainted with them.
Jack Rase mentioned a new culvert was put in on Buffalo Rd. and we have others to do on our Pavilion trail. These are very important for our road crossings.

Mike Carlson and Glenn O’Connor took the lead in getting our groomer barn roof leak proofed for this fall and winter. Just in time too with all the rain we’ve been having. Mike said he was very pleased with the results after checking the interior after a heavy rain recently. This is very important for the protection of our valuable equipment. Thank you Glenn for buying the acrylic silicone liquid material for the roof. More coverage is planned for next year.

A new chainsaw was approved for use in a groomer to cut any downed debris in the path of the trail.

Mike Carlson also repaired one of our 6 wheelers with a new belt.

We will also be looking at a 9′ front blade for our JD groomer/tractor.

There was also much conversation on the issue of grooming in Letchworth State Park as they no longer have a groomer. We have done a small amount at the Perry entrance in the past but never the full length of the Park road which is about 12 miles. A question of funding for our time/use of our machinery ensued.

Steve Cox will try to get some more details on that matter for next meeting. Having a nice trail in the Park to connect to both ends of our system is very important. The Park gets heavy use on the weekends.

Brian Bartron is once again heading up our February Daily Drawing and brought tickets to the meeting with him. This is another important fundraiser for us as we don’t rely just on NYS Parks and Rec. funds for our club. If you would like a ticket for yourself or a bunch to sell (a really big help) you can give Brian a call at 716-491-1847 or Jeff f. 716-474-2278.

The slate of officers was proposed for this coming year.
Pres. Jeff f.
VP Jim Day
Treasurer/Secretary Gail Lawson
Sergeant of Arms Jack Rase

Gail has stepped up to fill the secretary role of departing secretary Sheila whom we wish to thank for her service on our behalf. We shouldn’t be burdening Gail with another important task and we would ask any members of our Club to step up and help us. With officers (except Jim Day) in their mid 60’s it won’t be long before they will be retiring looking for younger members to take on the role of running an important club like OVSA. We were incorporated in 1972 and the leadership has been continuous since that time with new younger people stepping into the roles as others have retired. We need to continue this unbroken line. OVSA has 150 miles of trails and our location is vitally important in connecting big sections of WNY.

Jack Rase also has our yearly NYSSA tickets which are only $5 each and the club keeps half of that. Give Jack a call at 585-786-5051.

Our next meeting will be December 3rd 11am at the Silver Lake Sportsmens Club. We will also have our annual Christmas buffet which for members only costs $5. We are also planning to have a Letchworth Park Officer for our night riding stickers and any new rules in the #1 State Park in the nation.

Get your memberships in, sleds registered and get ready for a great season of family friendly fun. It sure was an action packed information filled meeting. Join us some time and learn a lot, it’s a friendly atmosphere and the Sportsmens Club is a great host to us. Thanks to all our volunteers for their help.
See you at our Christmas meeting,
Pres. Jeff f.